Campaign Unwrap 2020

Being able to start EGDI off with Campaign Unwrap as an official nonprofit didn’t go exactly as planned. IT WAS BETTER! This campaign ended being a huge success not only by providing gifts to the underprivileged youth at the Covenant House in order to have a special holiday season. It created a foundation to scale our organization’s charitable footprint with resources for future projects. Something that we thought would take years to get towards. 

So we have a simple message that I will like to share… To all those that contributed to the fundraiser. THANK YOU. To all those that help bring awareness to our organization and fundraiser. THANK YOU. To all those that linked up with us to help with future projects. THANK YOU. To all those that reached out to show their support. THANK YOU. 

Hope you enjoy the video! If you will like to make a donation please click Donate button below. 


Change Into Smiles 2018